Jean "The African Queen" Pattison

Jean Pattison, also known as the African Queen, has been breeding birds since 1984 at her aviary in Florida. She breeds only African parrots.

Her first love is working with the pairs and allowing them to choose their own mates, thus assuring the well-being of the pairs.

With the parents being so compatible, the caring and tenderness is extended to the chicks. Chicks are well fed by secure calm parents, which never show anxiety or stress. In this atmosphere, calm, steady, and trusting babies are raised for future pet owners. Each chick is treated as an individual so your new baby will provide you with years of pleasure.

Jean's committment to aviculture and to the African species she breeds is extended by her work with local and national bird organizations, lecturing and writing.

Enjoy the new baby pictures. If you want to reserve a baby, please email Jean at

Check out the growing menu of Jean's articles and be sure to read "How I Breed African Greys" with Jean's original illustrations. Visit the online store for more about Jean's artwork and her "Moonlight Greys" audio CD.